Download DrivExpress™ 2.0.0 (Discontinued)
Product Discontinued - Download available ONLY for existing customers
Please download the correct version of DrivExpress from the table below. When downloading DrivExpress, please choose the version (32-bit/64-bit) that matches the simulator you are using, NOT the operating system. For example, if using Modelsim, select the 32-bit version; if using Questa64, select the 64-bit version, regardless of the operating system you're using.
DriveExpress 1.3 legacy download files are still available [click here]
DriveExpress 1.0 legacy download files are still available [click here]
DriveExpress 1.3 Documentation [click here]
DriveExpress 2.0.0 Install Files (JAR format)
Simulator | 32-bit | 64-bit |
Mentor Graphics 32/64-bit simulators including: ModelSim Altera Starter Edition (ASE), ModelSim Altera Edition (AE), ModelSim PE/SE/DE 10.0a or later, Questa Sim 10.1a or later | Mentor 32-bit | Mentor 64-bit |
Cadence 32/64-bit simulators including: NCSim 10.2 or later | Cadence 32-bit | Cadence 64-bit |
Synopsys 32-bit simulators including: VCS, VCS-MX 2011.12 or later | Synopsys 32-bit |
When downloading the JAR files, you will see a dialog box like the one below. Please click on the "Download" button to confirm the download.

DriveExpress Documentation
Document | Description | Download |
Installation Guide | Installation guide for DrivExpress versions 1.0, 1.3, and 2.0.0 | |
Release notes for release 2.0.0 | Release Notes 2.0.0 | |
English User Manual 2.0.0 | User guide for DrivExpress version 2.0.0. The DrivExpress installer includes this guide, but this link is provided for convenience | |
Simple Design Example | Easy to understand and modify, this simple project targets a Qsys-based Stratix V Gen3x4 core with Avalon MM interface. The test bench performs simple reads and writes to an on-chip RAM via PCIe. Compatible with DrivExpress running on ModelSim. |
System Requirements:
Intel* | Quartus II 12.1, 13.0, and 13.1 (including all service packs and patches) |
Simulator** | MentorGraphics 32/64-bit simulators including: ModelSim Altera Starter Edition (ASE), ModelSim Altera Edition (AE), ModelSim PE/SE/DE 10.0a or later, Questa Sim 10.1a or later Synopsys 32-bit simulators including: VCS, VCS-MX 2011.12 or later Cadence 32/64-bit simulators including: NCSim 10.2 or later |
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7, RedHat Enterprise 5 and 6, CentOS 5 and 6 |
*Contact Macnica for support for earlier versions of Quartus
**Contact Macnica for VCS or NCsim support