Pathfinder by Retrocausal

Retrocasual's Pathfinder platform automatically builds computational models of a complex physical task, such as an assembly activity, given only a handful of recorded demonstrations of the task. Once such a model is built, the Pathfinder platform can finely track the job status from live video, to guide a worker through the task, provide independent training, and perform analytics. Pathfinder’s analytics capability identifies non-value added activities across processes, unexpected variability in process times, and traces assembly mistakes through a line; whereas its digital work instruction capability offers audible and visual alerts to help the operator avoid assembly mistakes.




How it works

Step 1: Capture

  • Enter a bill of process and record a handful of demonstrations of the process split across roughly 10 workers to capture various working styles (takes 2-3 hours).

Step 2: Label

  • Label the videos at the level of individual steps (takes ~10 minutes).

Step 3: Deploy

  • Provide live feedback to assembly operator or passively analyze video for improvements.

Step 4: Analyze

  • Get cycle times and step-level analytics, such as standard deviation for each step.


How to get started

We initiate your account through a 4-week pilot program in which we help you install our smart camera system on your workstations, model manual processes, set up dashboard and live task guidance systems, and observe a clear Return-on-Investment.


Download our solution brief here.