40G Ethernet FPGA IP Core Solution

Hitek Systems

The 40Gbps Ethernet IP core solution offers a highly optimized (128-bit datapath) and fully integrated IEEE802.3ba compliant package for NIC (Network Interface Card) and Ethernet switching applications.


  • 40Gbps MAC core
  • 40Gbps (40GBase-R) PCS core
  • Technology dependent transceiver wrapper (includes clock PLLs) for Altera and/or Xilinx FPGAs
  • Statistics counter block (for RMON and MIB)
  • MDIO and I2C cores for optical module status and control


  • Encrypted MAC and PCS RTL for simulation and synthesis
  • Encrypted L2 packet generator and checker RTL for simulation and synthesis
  • Source code RTL (Verilog) for top level Ethernet wrappers to allow for user specific customizations.
  • Technology specific transceiver wrappers for the selected device family
  • Source code RTL (Verilog) for AXI4 Lite and Avalon-MM arbiters and address decoders
  • Constraint files and synthesis scripts for design compilation
  • Linux based APIs/tools to access core configuration and statistics registers
  • Design guide(s) and user manual(s)