Altera FPGA Agilex 5 Workshop (08/02 場次)

活動日期: Aug. 02, 2024
活動地點: 茂綸股份有限公司6F (台北矽谷一期大樓,請搭手扶梯到2樓後右轉,再轉搭電梯至6樓)

Altera FPGA Agilex 5 Workshop

本次Altera Agilex 5開發實作研討會為上機實體課程,茂綸將準備電腦設備與Macnica Agilex 5 Sulfur開發板讓您加入實作課程,快速體驗Altera Quartus Prime Pro開發軟體在全新 Altera Agilex5 FPGA建置 HPS 和 FPGA 溝通的應用流程和技巧。

Altera Agilex 5 SoC FPGA Overview

- System Architecture

- Configuration and Boot

System Development Flow

- Hardware Development Flow

Exercise  1: SoC FPGA Hardware Design in Agilex™ 5

-Software Development Flow & Development Environment

Exercise  2: Preparing the Configuration File/SD Image

Exercise  3: Practical Exercise (CPU to FPGA side logic and HPS External Memory Interface access)

Exercise  4: Practical Exercise (Check Temperature/Voltage in Linux Environment)



茂綸股份有限公司 FAE Manager   Lucian Chuang


13:00 - 13:30 報到

13:30 - 14:00 Altera SoC FPGA overview

14:00 - 14:50 Hardware Development Flow

14:50 - 15:00 Break

15:00 - 15:30 Exercise 1

15:30 - 16:00 Software Development Flow 

16:00 - 16:30 Exercise 2,3,4

16:30 - 17:00 Summary , Q & A


針對想了解Altera新一代 Agilex™ 5 FPGA的使用者進行相關的介紹。