Major Policies

Title File
Risk Management Policy
Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors' Meetings
Articles of Incorporation
Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Affiliated Enterprises
Performance Evaluation and Remuneration Policy of Board Directors and Managers
Succession Plan for Board Directors and Chief Executives
Policy of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction
Audit Committee Charter
Codes of Ethical Conduct
Concrete whistle-blowing system
Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles
Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles
Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles
Polices and Procedures for Financial Derivatives Transactions
Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets
Procedures for Endorsement & Guarantee
Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct
Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information
Procedures for Lending Funds and Endorsement & Guarantee
Procedures for Responding to Requests from Directors
Remuneration Committee Charter
Rules Governing the Scope of Powers of Independent Directors
Rules for Board of Directors Performance Assessments
Rules for Directors Election
Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings
Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles