
Bridgetek is a leading global semiconductor company providing high performance microcontroller units (MCUs), display IC products and developing innovative silicon solutions that enhance seamless interaction with latest connectivity technologies. Our key objective is to provide core bridging technology in order to support engineers with highly sophisticated, feature-rich, robust and simple-to-use product platforms. These platforms enable creation of electronic designs with high performance, low peripheral component requirements, low power budgets and minimal board real estate.
Bridgetek’s products include a family of highly-differentiated, speed-optimised MCUs that have been developed for high speed, interface bridging tasks. With a parallel camera input, 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet Interface, CAN bus and USB2.0 Hi-Speed peripheral and host ports, these MCUs offer excellent interconnect capabilities and fast data rates. These devices are targeted for key applications where they can add value with their superior system processing performance and high levels of operational efficiency, making it the ideal choice for advanced technology bridging solutions. The company also provides a Human Machine Interface (HMI) display series, namely Embedded Video Engine (EVE) graphic controllers in which each pack display, audio and touch functionality onto a single chip. The unique, streamlined approach utilised by these ICs allow dramatic reductions in the development time and bill-of-materials costs involved in next generation HMI implementation.
Featured Products
EVE Development Workflow
This flowchart with interactive links should help you choose the correct tools when designing with EVE.

EVE Comparison Chart

FT90x – 32 Bit RISC Microcontroller
Based upon Bridgetek’s FT32, high performance 32-bit RISC core, the FT90x and FT93x series provides a plethora of connectivity options, making it the ideal choice for advanced technology bridging solutions. By executing instructions from shadow RAM, rather than flash memory, the FT9xx can operate at true Zero Wait States (0WS) up to 100MHz and 310 DMIPS performance. Using the industry standard GCC compiler, together with the Eclipse IDE, allows the FT9xx to utilise a wide variety of third-party and open source software.
FT93x – 32 Bit RISC Microcontroller
The FT93x series includes the FT930, FT931, FT932 and FT933 which are complete System-On-Chip 32-bit RISC microcontrollers for USB to multi-interface bridging and embedded applications featuring a high level of integration and low power consumption. With a D2XX hardware engine built-in, it is compatible with D2XX drivers.
FT51A – 8 Bit 8051 Compatible Core
The FT51A series provides an 8051 compatible-core with best in class performance and unique features including multiple ADCs, USB2.0 Full Speed Device, and USB hub function targeted at cascading multiple FT51A systems, or to connect an additional USB peripheral like a mouse or keyboard.