Treinamento FPGA Avançado
Treinamento FPGA Altera Etapa 02
Um curso online e ao vivo com parte teórica e prática utilizando o kit DE10-Lite (incluso na inscrição).
Curso de nível avançado, no qual os alunos aprendem a usar a ferramentas Platform Designer (QSYS) disponível no software Quartus Prime e o processador embarcado NIOS V, baseado na arquitetura RISC V.
Um curso de 20 horas com parte teórica e prática utilizando o kit DE10-Lite.

Ementa simplificada:
Platform Designer
- Introduction to Platform Designer
- Getting Started with Platform Designer
- Platform Designer GUI - Basic Usage
- Platform Designer Interconnect
- Platform Designer GUI – Advanced Usage
- IP Catalog ”Off-the-Shelf” Components
- Platform Designer Standard Interfaces & Signaling
- Custom Components
- System Console & Unified Toolkit (UTK) Framework
NIOS V Processor
- Introduction to Nios® V Processor Architecture
- FPGA Hardware Design Flow
- Software Build Tools and System Design with Nios® V Processor
- Booting and Configuration Options
Ementa detalhada
Platform Designer
- Introduction to Platform Designer
- Getting Started with Platform Designer
- Platform Designer user interface (UI)
- System generation and output files
- Platform Designer in the FPGA design flow
- Platform Designer GUI - Basic Usage
- Project 01 – Using Platform Designer and IPs
- Platform Designer Interconnect
- Platform Designer GUI – Advanced Usage
- Project 02 – Creating clock domain
- IP Catalog ”Off-the-Shelf” Components
- IP Catalog ”Off-the-Shelf” Components
- Commonly used IPs
- Platform Designer Standard Interfaces & Signaling
- Custom Components
- Creating Custom Components
- Component Editor
- Project 03 – Creating a PWM IP
- System Console & Unified Toolkit (UTK) Framework
- Project 04 – Use of System Console
NIOS V Processor
- Introduction to Nios® V Processor Architecture
- What is Nios® V Processor?
- Description and Architecture
- FPGA Hardware Design Flow
- Creating a Nios® V processor design with Platform Designer in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
- Integrating the design to an Intel® Quartus® Project
- Software Build Tools and System Design with Nios® V Processor
- Nios® V Processor Software Development Flow
- Project 01 - Insert and Configure the NIOS V in the system
- Nios® V Processor BSP Editor and Generation
- Project 02 - Create and modify BSP and generate CMAKE and MAKE files
- Application Project
- Intel® FPGA Embedded Development Tools
- Booting and Configuration Options
- Nios® V Booting Flow
- Nios® V Booting Methods
- Project 03 - Compile application and run on hardware