【產品介紹】ADE9153B 具有感測器監控和自動校準功能的電量計IC

ADE9153B包含三個高性能的類比數位轉換器(ADC),提供88 dB的信噪比(SNR)。ADE9153B可準確測量線路電壓和電流,並計算有功、fundamental reactive、apparent energy,以及RMS。其中包括各種電源質量訊息,例如驟降與暫升檢測。電流通道A非常適合電阻器,具有靈活的增益階段,可提供從62.5 mV峰值到26.04 mV峰值的全尺度輸入範圍。電流通道B具有1×、2×和4×的增益階段,可用於電流互感器(CT)。高速10 MHz串行外設介面(SPI)埠允許訪問ADE9153B暫存器。
1 受美國專利保護,包括8,350,558;8,010,304;WO2013038176 A3;0113507 A1;0253102 A1;0354266 A1;和0154029 A1。
- mSure 訊號監控
- 非侵入性、即時、直接、精確測量輸入訊號路徑
- 偵測測量儀精度變化和漂移量,可追蹤測量儀使用壽命
- 識別傳感器故障
- 啟用進階防篡改檢測方法
- 搭配微控制器(MCU)韌體以便輔助診斷資料報告
- 支援相線的電流分流器(shunt)和中性線的電流互感器(CT)
- mSure 自我校準
- 基於直接測量整個訊號路徑的自我校準
- 校準程序不需要參考計
- 3 個高性能 ADC
- 86 dB 信噪比(SNR)
- 高增益電流通道:±26.04 mV 峰值,最高增益設置下輸入 18.4 mV rms
- 先進的計量功能組
- 瓦特、VAR、VA、瓦時、VARh 和 VAh
- 支援主動能標準:IEC 62053-21;IEC 62053-22;EN 50470-3;OIML R46;和 ANSI C12.20
- 支援無功能標準:IEC 62053-23 和 IEC 62053-24
- 電流和電壓的有效值測量
- 工業級操作溫度範圍:−40°C 至 +85°C
- 集成溫度傳感器,帶有12位逐次逼近暫存器(SAR ADC)

The mSure enabled, ADE9153EVK evaluation kit includes a full featured single phase energy meter with Class 0.5 meter accuracy. mSure is a diagnostics technology residing in the ADE9153B that enables direct and non-invasive monitoring of the energy meter accuracy and faults in real time. The kit contains the ADE9153B, the STM32F103RE ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller that manages the ADE9153B, the LCD display, the RTC, the 64kB FRAM and the isolated RS485 communication with the PC.
The kit allows the performance of the mSure technology and of the ADE9153B to be evaluated in the context of a single phase meter implementation. In standalone mode, the energy meter measures the metrology parameters: active, reactive and apparent energies, current and voltage rms values. The FRAM is used to store information provided by the ADE9153B mSure manager.
The kit may also be managed by the LabView™ based evaluation software. It provides the means to evaluate the mSure and the ADE9153B performance.
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