16 January 2025New Family of Switchtec™ PCIe® Gen 4.0 16-Lane Switches Provides Versatility for Automotive and Embedded Computing Applications Efficient management of high-bandwidth data transfer and seamless communication between multiple devices or subsystems are critical in automotive, industrial and data center applications, making PCIe® switches an indispensable solution. They provide scalability, reliability and low-latency connectivity, which are crucial for handling the demanding workloads of modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Microchip Technology (Nasdaq: MCHP) today announces sample availability of the new PCI100x family of Switchtec™ PCIe Gen 4.0 switches in variants to support packet switching and multi-host applications.
18 December 2024用於MCU音訊播放系統的PWM輸入音訊放大器 NA1150 是一款音訊開關驅動器IC,可作為PWM 輸入音訊放大器使用,用於從MCU輸出語音和音效的音訊播放系統。該IC與CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.(以下簡稱「CRI」)的音訊中間件「CRI D-Amp Driver®」結合,實現了高品質的音訊播放。
18 December 2024Microchip Adds MTCH2120 to its Portfolio of Turnkey Capacitive Touch Controllers The touch controller is designed to integrate with a comprehensive ecosystem of tools to streamline development and speed time to market
16 December 2024Integrated and Compact CAN FD System Basis Chip Solution for Space-Constrained Applications Microchip introduces the ATA650x CAN FD SBC with integrated high-speed CAN transceiver and 5V LDO
12 December 2024Microchip Expands PolarFire® FPGA and SoC Solution Stacks with New Offerings for Medical Imaging and Smart Robotics Application-specific, integrated hardware and software technology stacks lower the barrier of entry and speed time to market
19 August 2024Expanded Single Pair Ethernet Portfolio with 100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 PHY Transceivers for Network Interoperability Microchip’s LAN887x PHYs offer extended reach up to 40m and are designed to be compliant with industry standards
30 July 2024Microchip Technology Introduces a New Core in the dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller Family to Enhance Precision and Execution of Real-Time Control dsPIC33A DSCs feature a 32-bit architecture with a double-precision floating-point unit and DSP engine for faster computation in time-critical applications
09 April 2024創惟科技發表USB4® Redriver – BW9906 混合訊號及高速I/O技術的IC設計領導廠商—創惟科技,今日宣布推出高性能低成本的USB4® Redriver – BW9906。
27 December 2023支援4K/8K衛星廣播電視調諧器, 寬頻帶LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) NJG1188KG1是業界首款*1能夠支援全頻段的寬頻帶LNA,它既能支援以往的BS/CS衛星廣播950MHz~2GHz頻帶,也能支援4K/8K衛星廣播(高階BS/CS)2GHz~3.2GHz頻帶。
18 October 2023ASIX Unveils AX88179B: Instantly Experience Driverless USB Ethernet Connectivity
18 July 2023亞信電子與安勤科技攜手共創TSN技術新浪潮 亞信電子推出AXM57104 TSN開發平臺與AXM57104 4埠TSN PCIe千兆乙太網卡解決方案,提供包含TSN時效性網路軟體參考原始程式碼的開發套件,以加速客戶TSN產品設計開發時程。
12 April 2023防止VBUS誤觸至CC and SBU造成介面失效的TVS防護方案 2013年,USB-IF協會發佈了Type-C標準,此傳輸介面一經推出,就受到廣大消費者以及業界的歡迎。Type-C介面小巧,支援正反插,不僅是信號傳輸的介面,同時也是供電介面。目前主流設備支援的PD 3.0協議最高可以達到20V,5A的規格。對於信號傳輸,Type-C介面更是最高可以支援到USB4 40Gbps的超高規格,並且還可以相容DP等影音傳輸協議。
08 March 2023工業電腦 2.5Gbps網口ESD/EOS 防護方案 工業電腦(Industrial PC)相對於一般消費型電腦來說,架構上大致相同,CPU大都以X86(Intel以及AMD)為主。不過,因為工業電腦主要講求的是穩定性、相容性以及擴充性,因此在I/O端口的傳輸速度提升需求上會比消費型電腦來得緩慢。但因工業電腦所處的環境可能較一般消費型電腦惡劣(例如:工廠,鐵道,船舶…等),所以會更加重視系統本身的可靠度、壽命、抗外在干擾能力。由於設計時會特別注意I/O端口ESD/Surge的保護,將更不容易因ESD/Surge而導致I/O端口故障。
17 February 2023USB Power Delivery 3.1 的保護方案 USB-IF協會發布了USB PD3.1快充協議標準,其中有關供電能力的內容,快充協議中分別定義標準功率範圍(Standard Power Range)最大充電功率保持100W不變,以及擴展功率範圍(Extended Power Range)新增 28V、36V、48V 三個電壓,所對應的電流均為 5 安培,因此最大輸出功率從 100W 擴展至 240W。如下圖一所示。
30 January 2023車用多媒體主機ESD解決對策 近年隨著越來越多科技廠商研發車用多媒體系統主機,為了保護主機免受ESD (靜電放電) 影響,在多媒體主機需要配置ESD防護元件,用於保護I/O端口免於遭受ESD能量破壞。當I/O端口遭遇過大的ESD能量時,將導致多媒體系統受到靜電干擾的現象,若此時系統沒有做好ESD防護設計,很可能會造成系統損毀甚至I/O端口功能出現異常,故需選擇ESD防護效果較佳的防護元件在車用多媒體系統主機上進行ESD防護。
05 September 2022車載OLED顯示模組ESD/EOS防護方案 OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) 即有機發光二極體,是一種具有多層結構的有機電致發光器件。相較於傳統的LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)利用液晶及背光模組成像的原理, OLED顯示模組利用其本身加電自發光的原理與結構設計,使得它具有更輕薄、亮度高、功耗低、反應快、清晰度高、柔性好、發光效率高的特點,能滿足消費者對顯示技術的諸多新需求。現今OLED顯示模組已經被廣泛應用於各行各業中來替代傳統的LCD,如工業自動化設備,醫療設備,消費型電子產品如手機、平板、穿戴類手錶、筆記型電腦、VR設備等。
24 November 2021ASIX Launches New EtherCAT Slave Controller with Dual-Core MCU Solution ASIX AX58400 EtherCAT Slave Controller with Dual-Core MCU is equipped with the highest-performing 480MHz ARM® Cortex®-M7 core, 240MHz ARM® Cortex®-M4 core, and EtherCAT Slave Controller integrated with two embedded Fast Ethernet PHYs.
29 June 2021ASIX launches AxRobot EtherCAT 7-Axis Force-Assisted Control Robot Solution
12 August 2020ASIX launches new Quad Port TSN Gigabit Ethernet PCIe NIC Solution
16 April 2020COVID-19: A Great EtherCAT Slave IC Solution for Smart Factory The COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic has brought a huge impact on the global manufacturing industry, but it has also given global manufacturers a new opportunity to accelerate the development of smart factory industrial automation applications.